Ahhhh… it’s so very nice to have chicks peeping away in my bathroom again. …I just realized how easily misconstrued that statement could be for someone who found this blog while searching for human chicks…
We have eleven new chicklets that have joined our little urban farm. Six of them are only here temporarily, as they’ll be heading to their new home with our friends down the street as soon as they feather out.
The five that we’re hanging on to are being raised by our sweet little Silkie, Mokey. For those of you who don’t know- Mokey was named after the quiet, sweet, hippie muppet on Fraggle Rock. They share a strange resemblance in style and demeanor.
We hatched out the chicks in an incubator and after they’d spent a night in the brooder getting used to walking and doing other chicken things, we decided to introduce them to their new Momma.
Mokey had hatched out one chick herself (the other eggs under her didn’t hatch) so she was very confused when we showed up with four more for her. We set the wiggling little bunch down next to her and waited in anticipation for something to happen. For awhile they all just looked at each other, then the chicks started peeping nervously amongst themselves.
Mokey made cute little Momma sounds at them that sounded like the chicken equivalent of purring. The babies were so utterly confused and couldn’t seem to figure out how to handle this giant chicken. Eventually they got chilly and one brave little soul made the first attempt to bury herself under Mokey. There was no resistance from Momma and before we knew it, all four little babes had disappeared under their new caretaker.
Today I took some photos of the happy little family. Mokey showed the babies how to eat chick food, and how not to eat wood shavings. They all pranced around her, utterly amazed at everything there was to see. I can’t wait to take them all outside. Come on warm weather!
I also managed to steal away some of the babies for a quick photo shoot. Some of them were completely freaked out and peeped the whole time, others just stood there and stared around in a daze.
This little darling is my favorite chick of all. I’m not even going to pretend like I don’t pick favorites. This little babe has been my number one ever since she hatched. She was fascinated by my voice while she was still in the incubator. The other chicks would all ignore me as I gleefully exclaimed things at them in my human voice.
Not this little one. She would stand up as tall as she could and crane her neck so she could see me out of the window. Ever since then we’ve been best buds. Whenever I hold her she stands up as tall as she can to get her face as close to me as possible. Yesterday she made a nest out of my ridiculously curly hair and slept there while I worked.
She’s mighty cute, and her coloring reminds me of a chipmunk.
Expand Your Chick Raising Wisdom: Explore More Articles
If you’re eager to explore more about hatching and raising chicks, we have a treasure trove of insights waiting for you:
How to Hatch Chicks with an Incubator: Curious about the incubation process? Dive into the world of artificial hatching and discover the essential steps for successfully bringing chicks into the world using an incubator.
Using a Broody Hen to Mother Chicks: Harness the natural instincts of a broody hen like Mokey. Learn tips and tricks for seamlessly introducing day-old chicks to a broody hen, creating a harmonious and nurturing environment for your growing flock.
Interesting Facts About Silkie Chickens: Delve into the fascinating world of Silkie chickens. Uncover seven interesting facts about these unique and nurturing feathered friends, particularly renowned for their remarkable mothering abilities.
Things You Need to Care for Baby Chicks: Ready to welcome a new batch of baby chicks to your homestead? Explore the essentials you need to provide delicate chicks with the tender loving care required for their first few weeks of life.
How about Dahlia. Then if she is a he you can call him Dale (as in Chip and …)!
Wow, your hands are full! I love all their little inquisitive faces 🙂
She’s darling! I’d name her Munk…for chipmunk.
Love it! 🙂
Your photography is amazing!! You really captured their unique colors patterns. The chipmunk patterned one is great — I haven’t seen that before. I’m trying to think of a name that has something to do with racing, since they look like little racing stripes. Such little cuties!
Awww thanks Rebecca!
Wow. What fantastic photos. They’re all so cute. I think your special one should be named Dolly. Have fun.
I totally would have named her Dolly, but that’s our adorable rabbit’s name! It’s a good one! 🙂
Name her Leo, short for Leopard
Hi there! I have a little girl that looks exactly like the chipmunk chick you posted last on this post. Do you happen to have any pictures of her older? I’m so curious to see what she will look like. Of course they labeled her as an Ameracauna but I now know she’s likely an EE.
Hi Tiffany, I unfortunately don’t have any older pics. That one turned out to be a rooster and we gave him away to another farm because we couldn’t keep roosters.
What did you end up naming her? My little Maggie Mae has the same pattern. Plus I absolutely love your pictures
I have one that looks like the chipmunk I just purchased, do u happen to know what kind of chicken that is ?
Jessica, How fun! There are several breeds of chickens that look like chipmunks when they are very young including brown leghorns, speckled sussex, easter eggers, and welsummers. You will be able to see more clues as the chick grows.