I have a new found respect for professional livestock photographers. Attempting to get photographs of three energetic and anxious little birds was quite a chore. One of them was screaming frantically the entire time. Another decided that it would be best if she explored what was just on the other side of the table ledge (I did manage to grab her before she fell to her doom).
The third would not face forward. At all. I would turn her around and she’d turn back to face the wall. She just stood there the entire time and stared at it, as if it was the most interesting wall she’d ever seen in her two day old life. In fact, it was the most interesting wall she’d ever seen, because it was the only wall she’d ever seen.
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This job would have been much more manageable if I had a professional chicken wrangler to assist me, or perhaps some itty bitty sedatives for the little darlings. Out of almost 150 photos, I only have ONE photo where all three chicks are facing the same direction and are in focus. The majority of them feature one chick in focus with the other two showing up as big blurs moving in opposite directions.
When all was said and done, I did get some adorable shots, and I promptly rewarded myself with a cold beer. The chickens were rewarded by having the utter joy of returning to their brooder. The big, bad, scary world is a bit much for those little nuggets sometimes.
And these are some of the attempts at getting a shot of all three. This much movement honestly took place in about 1.5 minutes. When you’re a chicken you never, ever stop moving. It’s a cardinal sin.
These little chicken nuggets are just so much fun!
My favorites are tow facing out and one facing the wall, and all three facing the wall! So cute!
Oh they’re so cute- I just love little peepers!
You have inspired me!!! My 11 year old son has started a chicken business (Deluxe Clucks) and he has a live webcam on the brooder. But they are all taking photography so this would be a perfect project for them! Thank you for the idea!
You’re welcome! It’s really fun and really challenging. The older they get, the harder it gets to keep them in one place! I think that’s so cool that your son is running a business, he’ll learn a lot from that. I ran a pet-sitting business when I was 11, and now I run a ceramics business. Starting young was definitely good for my work ethic! I’m going to check out your site today, thanks for stopping by!
Awww, the photos you got turned out great! I actually like the one where they are all facing away from the camera and you just see their cute fluffy butts 🙂 They are constantly moving and it is so hard to get images in focus so you did a great job!
They are adorable! I know how difficult it is to get them to ‘pose’. I have 26 one week old chicks and the only time I get group shots is when they are sleeping.
Hahaha, I can’t imagine you could get any pictures otherwise! Thanks for stopping by, Anne!
LOL! Funny post. They are perpetual motion machines, aren’t they?
Thank you for sharing with the Clever Chicks Blog Hop this week!
They just never stop! I don’t know where they get the energy! Thanks for stopping by, Kathy!