When my husband and I first started dating we bonded over the fact that we both had the same favorite color -orange- and the same favorite animal -the octopus.-
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We used to flip through my Jacques Cousteau books and marvel at the ingenious and alien little eight legged creatures.
After needle felting a wonderful little chicken I wanted to move onto something a little more complicated, so I decided to make a felted octopus for my love.
This guy took me about two weeks to complete. Making the legs look realistic was much more difficult than I anticipated.
I used three different shades of orange roving for the body and two shades of blue for the spots.
All told this was a fun little project and I’m glad I took the time to do it. My husband was thrilled to receive it in a custom made octopus gift bag!
Now we just need to work on keeping it away from Nico, who has convinced herself that this is her toy…
I’ve decided to name him Jacques, after my favorite conservationist.
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