We had record breaking high temperatures today of 52 degrees. That’s unheard of in Rochester in January. Expecially considering at this time last week we had record breaking low temperatures of -32 degrees. Quite a jump in weather! No wonder everyone got sick.
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The chickens, Nico, and I took advantage of the nice weather and spent some time in the backyard. The ladies have been cooped up (literally) for weeks because of the snow and cold. They were ecstatic to get out of the run and into the yard for some free range time. When I opened the door all I could see was a flurry of feathers as they jumped and flapped their way outta there.
They made their way into the mud pit we call our backyard and had a blast digging through the dirt for insects and seeds.
I managed to get some action shots of our leghorn, Foghorn, scratching through the leaves
Daisy certainly enjoyed her fun in the sun.
Pretty Dee-Dee, in a very rare pose for the camera
Mokey, our Bantam Silkie got super muddy and loved every minute of it.
Would you even know this was a photo of a chicken if I didn’t tell you?
Find anything good, Taco?
In photos like these, it’s very clear that we’re free ranging our chickens in the middle of the city. I try to keep the various city scenes out of my shots, but it’s not always possible. So… wave to my neighbors everyone! God knows they’re staring out their windows at the crazy chicken lady with her camera!
Hi, Little Carl, have you been eating mud again??
Are you sure??
Frenchie, doing her thing.
Muddy little chicken feet…
Daisy wanted to be a chicken model too.
Rosie spent most of her time in her usual spot, surveying her kingdom from above. Rosie is part Rhode Island Red, it really shows in this photo!
That’s all for now! If you want to read more about the personalities of our individual chickens, you can meet Rosie here or read Taco’s Story here. Dee Dee’s tale is coming tomorrow, watch out for it!
Hi, I just wanted to pop in from your art series and see your flock photos… I love how you captured them on paper with colors that speak to you about them. I use acrylics and have been afraid to try painting feathers. I like that you get the effect without sweating that detail… it’s a good lesson, and might feel very freeing… I have your great examples if I can get past my detail-oriented OCD, lol.
Thank you so much! Using watercolor really helped me to let go of that tight control that I thought I needed. Watercolor kind of does what it wants and you just have to let it! It’s a great medium!